Yosemite Hike - 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy 45th Scott!

Happy Birthday Scott!

We celebrated Scott yesterday and his 45th birthday by driving to Los Angeles and spending the day at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, CA.  His pick!   

We met Tom & Dorothy, at the entrance to the museum and from there it was fun, facts and beautiful weather the rest of the day.  The museum portion was spectacular complete with videos, facts, a tour of the Oval Office, a decommissioned Air Force One and more.  Unfortunately the Library was closed for renovations along with some other exhibits but no worries, just means more for us to see and learn about next time.  Next month would have been Ronnie's 100th b'day so lots of new stuff to come.

This outing was a crowd pleaser for all three generations and everyone wants to go back for more!

On the birthday side of things, it's remarkable how much Scott has done and seen in his mere 45 years. When you really think about it, 45 is not that old.  Not sure what the hub bub is but then I'm still in the 30's.

Scott is such a hard worker and does so much.  I hope his next 45 brings him continued good health,  time for himself, relaxation and whatever his heart desires.  God knows it's going to bring him two teenage girls so hopefully all that thick handsome hair he still sports will remain for many years to come!

Walking with the Gipper

The real Air Force One Reagan, and other Presidents, used to fly on

Part of the Berlin Wall from the "free" side

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