Yosemite Hike - 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy 45th Scott!

Happy Birthday Scott!

We celebrated Scott yesterday and his 45th birthday by driving to Los Angeles and spending the day at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, CA.  His pick!   

We met Tom & Dorothy, at the entrance to the museum and from there it was fun, facts and beautiful weather the rest of the day.  The museum portion was spectacular complete with videos, facts, a tour of the Oval Office, a decommissioned Air Force One and more.  Unfortunately the Library was closed for renovations along with some other exhibits but no worries, just means more for us to see and learn about next time.  Next month would have been Ronnie's 100th b'day so lots of new stuff to come.

This outing was a crowd pleaser for all three generations and everyone wants to go back for more!

On the birthday side of things, it's remarkable how much Scott has done and seen in his mere 45 years. When you really think about it, 45 is not that old.  Not sure what the hub bub is but then I'm still in the 30's.

Scott is such a hard worker and does so much.  I hope his next 45 brings him continued good health,  time for himself, relaxation and whatever his heart desires.  God knows it's going to bring him two teenage girls so hopefully all that thick handsome hair he still sports will remain for many years to come!

Walking with the Gipper

The real Air Force One Reagan, and other Presidents, used to fly on

Part of the Berlin Wall from the "free" side

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Strike not a Strike Out!

Today's was Shelby's 8th b'day party.  Sometimes I feel sorry for Sydney and Shelby because I am not a birthday party Mom.  Don't get me wrong, they are allowed to have them but neither Scott or I go out of our way to encourage them.  And in the event they decide to have one, and it comes to fruition they have come to learn the following:

a) There will be no goody bags

b) The total number of invites may not exceed the age said b'day person is turning.  
*This maxes out at the 10th year with 10 invites - you get the idea.  Also, the b'day person and the sibling, if deemed worthy of an invite count in the total number of invites.  Thus, Shelby had 6 friends, herself and Sydney.

I am going to deem Shelby's Bowling Extravaganza, inspired by a recent American Girl (AG) article, a success for several reasons...

*Everyone she invited, including Sydney whom she willingly invited, could come!  Makes me feel good to think my daughters like each other enough to use a coveted invite.

Back (l-r) Pin Head, Lu-Bowl, Striker, Miss B h'Ava
Middle (l-r) Ding Dong, Q-Bear, Dr. Bowl
Front (l-r) Bowl-A-Rina 
*Shelby's wish for a "Bowling Ball" cake was successfully carried out by Mom.

* Kearny Mesa Bowl was great.  Much cleaner than in the past and not as dark.  Best of all, (2) rounds of bowling for 8, including lunch and and we were out of there with no mess for $100!

And while I attempted to make t-shirts for all the girls,  they didn't turn out the way I'd hoped.  I decided to be o.k. with that - time to start taking things so seriously, right?  Bless Shelby, she said, "Mom, thanks for trying, I still like it."  And you know what, so did the all the girls.

Happy Birthday Shelby Girl!  Can't wait to see what 8 has in store for you.

On another b'day front, Sydney has opted out of a party and has put a plan in motions.  
Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Shelby!

Today is a great day!  It's Shelby's 8th birthday which is cause for celebration.  Also notable, it's New Year's Day 2011.  It's interesting how birthdays cause us to be nostalgic, maybe it's just me?  NY's Day also seems to prompt walks down memory lane in a year in review sort of way.  Two separate celebrations, both producing similar outcomes!

Today I'm experiencing feelings typical of most parents I suspect; It's hard to believe 8 years have passed since Shelby was born, where does the time go, and so on.  What's really been in the forefront of my thoughts is how blessed I am to be Shelby's Mom.   

No, her room is not always clean, she often protests showers, is known to ignore us when entranced by her DS or new iPod and fights with her sister.  But, she has a HUGE heart, she cares about people and their feelings, she has style all her own, think Punky Brewster, she's willing to try new things and is a problem solver.  As far as I'm concerned, she's one cool kid!

Cook to order, Daddy's pancakes and Mom's smoothies. After a picnic breakfast and present opening, we dropped Scott Downtown for his annual football and bar hopping outing with his buddies and the girls and I were off to the So. Mission Beach for a nice and rocky walk on the jetty.
Shelby's does the math...Just 13 years until she can join in the NY's Day Fun! 
Karen joins us for jetty fun.  An outing we won't ever forget!
Beautiful weather and we could see for miles.  Even saw dolphins and a sea lion.
Birthday lunch with special friends Sophia & Emily.
Why should the Dad's have all the fun!
Bailey makes the best birthday cake ever!